papers I liked
10 Aug 2015
From time to time I read papers about any subject, mostly about computer science, and then forgot which or where it’s available for future reference. So I’m creating this list as a kind of personal wiki to do not forget anymore.
Computer Security
PrivExec: Private Execution as an Operating System Service - 2013. [pdf] 16 Pag. Kernel side private / temporal / irrecoverable execution environments.
Alcatraz: An Isolated Environment for Experimenting with Untrusted Software - 2009. [pdf] 37 Pag. Commit + policy driven temporal sandboxing environments.
The state of the art of application restrictions and sandboxes and its shortfalls - 2012. [pdf] 40 Pag. Compilation of current security trends and its shortfalls, eg: selective execution (by white/black lists, heuristic -antivirus software, statistic based -symantec quorum, spynet, mcafee artemis, etc); rule based (DAC, Linux standard, Rainbow, polaris); application oriented access control (mapbox, android, bitfrost, dte, apparmor, selinux, tomoyo, systrace, alcatraz, some web apps); isolation based {permanent (virtual machines - kvm,xen,uml,virtualbox, containers - chroot, lxe, openvz, linux vserver, jails), ephemeral (privexec), both (alcatraz, sandboxie, pastures, returnil), isolated two ways (virtual machines, containers), isolated one way (privexec,alcatraz)}; monitoring system calls (systrace, plash, callgraph, pulse); combinations (app oriented access control + isolation: qubes, windowbox, apiary, peadpod).
Password Multiplier: A convenient method for securely managing passwords - 2005. [pdf] 9 Pag. Hash based passwords.
Computer Virtualization
- Performance Evaluation of Container-based Virtualization for High Performance Computing Environments - 2014. [pdf] 8 Pag. Xen, Openvz, Linux Vserver, LXC performance evaluation.
Computer Operation Systems
- Flexible Operating System Internals: The Design and Implementation of the Anykernel and Rump Kernels - 2012. [pdf] 362 Pag. Portable drivers across minimal kernels (anykernels) and system applications (rump kernels). Drivers as system libraries.
Community driven papers repositories
By the way, if you’re new (as I’m) to read scientific papers, don’t forget to checkout the guidelines to read efficiently academic articles.
Happy reading 😋