x509: certificate signed by unknown authority docker error
07 Feb 2018
At work we use internal docker registers and from to time I encounter this error when trying to pull/push to https registers, so I’m leaving the procedure to add autosigned certificates for the future me and others.
Distro: Ubuntu 16.04
Docker: 17.12.0-ce, build c97c6d
$ # export registry certificate $ openssl s_client -showcerts -connect \ registry.example.com:443 </dev/null 2>/dev/null | \ openssl x509 -outform PEM > registry.example.com.crt $ # add it globally $ sudo mv registry.example.com.crt /usr/local/share/ca-certificates $ # update global certificates definitions $ sudo update-ca-certificates $ # restart affected services $ sudo systemctl daemon-reload $ sudo systemctl restart docker
That’s it, happy pulling/pushing 😋